Up-to-date & evidence-based resources for managing Cirrhosis
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Symptom Management


- Calculator selector
- Total Tumor Volume
- Child Pugh Calculator
- AST to Platelet Ratio Index(APRI) calculator
- FIB4
- R-factor Liver Injury calculator
- Light’s Criteria
- FeNa Calculator
- Confusion Assessment Method(CAM)
- Maddrey Discriminant Function
- PHQ-9
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale
- Itch score
- Pruritis Numerical Rating Scale
- ESAS-r Pain Scale
- GAD-7
- PEG3 Pain, Enjoyment and General Activity scale
- Sleep Timing and Sleep Quality Screening Questionnaire
- DAST-10
- Cirrhosis Adult Admission Orders
- Cirrhosis Adult Discharge Orders
- Liver disease work up
- Ascites Hepatic Hydrothorax, Edema in Cirrhosis Order Panel
- Inpatient Cirrhosis Paracentesis Order Panel
- Outpatient Cirrhosis Paracentesis Order Panel
- Alcohol Associated Hepatitis Order Panel
- Alcohol Use Disorder in Cirrhosis Order Panel
- Inpatient Thoracentesis Order Panel
- Outpatient Thoracentesis Order Panel
- Renal Dysfunction Order Panel
- Hepatorenal Syndrome (HRS) Order Panel
- Variceal Bleed Order Panel
- Hepatic Encephalopathy Order Panel
- SB-Peritonitis-Pleuritis Order Panel