Goals of Care Designation (GCD)
To describe the general goal of your care, and the preferred location of that care, your health team uses a Goals of Care Designation. It should reflect the treatments that will be of benefit to you, and your own wishes and values. If you have a personal directive, the goal of your care in that document should be described in a similar way on your GCD form.
The GCD is documented on an Alberta Health Services form by your physician or nurse practitioner. It should be kept along with a copy of your other advance care planning documentation in a plastic Green Sleeve. Keep your Green Sleeve on or near your fridge. Emergency Medical Services will look for it there, when they enter your home. Any time you go to the hospital or to a healthcare appointment, take your Green Sleeve with you.
The terms used on the GCD form can be confusing, because they are written for health professionals. It is however important that you understand what the form means. There are 3 general approaches to care:
Enduring Power of Attorney
This is a legal document that allows you to designate someone to make legal or financial decisions for you. To get more information on Power of Attorney in Alberta, click here.
Personal Directive
This document allows you to name a decision maker or agent for your medical treatments in the event you do not have the capacity, or cannot speak for yourself. It can include instructions to be followed such as where you will live or the medical treatment you will receive. Many legal Personal Directives do not say the same thing that the Medical Goals of Care do. To get more information on Personal Directives in Alberta, click here.
This legal document allows you to direct your property after your death. It is usually includes someone named by you to represent and carry out your wishes after your death. To get more information on wills in Alberta, click here.
The information on this page was adapted (with permission) from the references below, by the Cirrhosis Care Alberta project team (physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, registered dietitians, physiotherapists, pharmacists, and patient advisors).
This information is not intended to replace advice from your healthcare team. They know your medical situation best. Always follow your healthcare team’s advice.